Medical digitization is necessary: COVID-19 and telemedicine

Dr. Robert Bobert
Dr. Robert Bobert


Nowadays, the ease expansion of coronavirus or COVID-19 has collapsed different hospitals in Asia and Europe. In this situation, telemedicine are postulated as a simpler, more effective and cheaper solution for many patient questions. In addition, we can skip that risk of potential contagion in on-site consultations. An education, adaptation and predisposition towards interactive digital communication by doctors and patients is necessary. Likewise, the platforms must comply with the General Data Protection Law established.

According to the newspaper The Economisttelemedicine has grown 60% in recent years, as a result of the strong digitization process that society is undergoing. Telemedicine, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the provision of health services (in which distance is a determining factor) by health professionals through the use of information and communication technologies (TICs) for the exchange of valid information for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of diseases, research and evaluation and for the continuing training of health professionals, all with the ultimate objective of improving the health of the population and of the communities.

Progress in information and communication technologies applied to health has been fundamental, all this together with the widespread use of the internet in homes and the increase in the capabilities of mobile phones and other devices, which have led to the development of the current Telemedicine. Telemedicine is therefore presented as a key instrument to make health more sustainable and improve people’s health: cost savings and greater efficiency at the healthcare level, in addition to representing a significant improvement in healthcare provision in regions considered inaccessible or difficult. access to healthcare.

Solutions offered by telemedicine:

– Telemedicine avoids unnecessary travel and the collapse of healthcare centers, providing comfort for the patient and savings for the system.

– Availability of specialists in rural areas, emergency services and on-call shifts.

– The patient increasingly prioritizes the quality of his diagnosis and the response time.

– Care optimization: Better response times, reduction of waiting lists and better patient care.

– Optimization and reduction of costs and improvement of productivity in the use of resources. Possibility of covering specific needs at a lower cost.

– Possible solution to several of the main challenges of current health: aging, chronic diseases, increasing demand for co-responsibility users and deficit of specialists in certain geographic areas.

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